Modernizing the Oxfordshire County Council Web Portal

We spruced up the Oxfordshire County Council's web portal to give it a tech boost and make it more user-friendly.

Oxfordshire County Council home page
Oxfordshire County Council home page

About Oxfordshire County Council

Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) is a local authority dedicated to providing exceptional services across the county. The council faced the challenge of maintaining uniformity across all digital platforms, striving for consistent design aesthetics and functionality. Managing a main portal alongside various services made it difficult to maintain coherence, prompting the need for a comprehensive upgrade.

What they needed

The main web portal of the Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) was in dire need of a complete overhaul. The existing site was built on Drupal 7, a platform that had become outdated and lacked support for modern web development standards. The decision was made to migrate the portal to Drupal 8, which would necessitate significant technical changes. Furthermore, the structure of the old site was convoluted and user-unfriendly, necessitating a comprehensive rebranding and update to the site's theme and overall user experience.


  1. Upgrade the Platform: Migrate the web portal from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 to leverage modern web development capabilities.
  2. Revamp Site Design: Update the site's branding and theme for a more contemporary and user-friendly appearance.
  3. Ensure Modern Standards: Implement requirements for responsiveness, accessibility, and performance in the new theme.
  4. User-Centric Development: Conduct user tests to ensure the new site meets the usability needs of different user groups.
  5. Integrate Cutting-Edge Technology: Utilize advanced Front End technologies to enhance usability across various devices and support assistive technologies.

What I did for them

I joined the team tasked with upgrading the portal and was actively involved in every stage of the migration process. My primary responsibility was to create a new Drupal theme that adhered to the latest web development standards, focusing on responsiveness, accessibility, and performance, as well as integrating necessary technologies to support the council's needs. Starting from scratch, we developed each site component to meet the specific requirements of various OCC departments and their users. Additionally, on the Content Editor side, I successfully created modules, content types, and custom blocks, allowing for flexible design and data requests in the future.


Technical Challenges

  • Platform Differences: Migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 involved significant technical challenges due to differences in the platforms.
  • Content Migration: Over three years, we successfully migrated or rewrote 99% of the site's content to ensure compatibility and modernity.
  • Ongoing Development: Post-migration, the site required continuous updates and refinements to stay current with evolving technologies and user needs.

Usability Challenges

  • User Experience: The old site was difficult to navigate, and its design was not user-friendly. We needed to create a streamlined and intuitive user experience.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring the site was accessible to all users, including those using screen readers and other assistive technologies, was a priority.
  • Responsive Design: The new site had to perform well on both desktop and mobile devices, requiring a responsive design approach.


Initial Development

  1. Planning and Analysis: We conducted a thorough analysis of the old site to identify key areas for improvement.
  2. User Research: We gathered feedback from various user groups to understand their needs and pain points.
  3. Design and Prototyping: Our design team developed new site prototypes, focusing on modern aesthetics and improved usability.


  1. Theme Development: I led the development of a new Drupal theme from scratch, ensuring it was responsive, accessible, and performant.
  2. Content Migration: We meticulously migrated existing content to the new platform, updating and reorganizing it for better usability.
  3. Content Editor Enhancements: I created modules, content types, and custom blocks to allow for flexible and future-proof content creation, supporting a wide variety of design and data requests.
  4. User Testing: We conducted extensive user testing to validate the new design and functionality, iterating based on feedback.

Continuous Improvement

  1. Daily Updates: We committed to daily updates and refinements to keep the site aligned with user needs and technological advancements.
  2. Feedback Integration: User feedback was continuously integrated into the development process to ensure ongoing improvements.


The upgraded web portal now boasts modern technologies, streamlined navigation, and an improved user experience. Key outcomes include:

  • Enhanced Usability: The new design is intuitive and user-friendly, significantly improving the user experience.
  • Modern Aesthetics: The rebranded site features a contemporary look and feel that aligns with current web design trends.
  • Accessibility: The site is fully accessible, supporting various assistive technologies to cater to users with disabilities.
  • Responsive Design: The site performs seamlessly across different devices, from desktops to mobile phones.
  • Content Editor Flexibility: The creation of modules, content types, and custom blocks enables the site to support a wide variety of design and data requests, ensuring it can adapt to future needs.
  • Continuous Improvement: Ongoing updates ensure the site remains responsive to the evolving needs of OCC and its stakeholders.
OCC home mobile
OCC hope page on mobile


The Oxfordshire County Council web portal upgrade project has been a resounding success, resulting in a more modern, user-friendly, and accessible online platform for both residents and staff. This project demonstrates the council's dedication to leveraging technology to better serve its community and adapt to changing user needs. The commitment to continuous updates and improvements will ensure that the portal remains a valuable resource for years to come.