Oxfordshire Schools portal upgrade

LocalGov DrupalĀ childĀ theme for Oxfordshire schools services and resources portal

Oxfordshire Schools home page
Oxfordshire Schools home page

About Oxfordshire Schools

Oxfordshire Schools is the gateway to educational excellence in the heart of England. This platform is a comprehensive handbook designed to meet the needs of parents, students, and educators in the Oxfordshire region. It offers a wealth of invaluable resources, including essential information about local schools, innovative training initiatives, and timely news alerts.

What they needed

The portal was running on Drupal 7, and both its design and structure were outdated. The main objective was to migrate it to Drupal 10 and refresh both the content structure and design.

Schools old portal
Schools old portal

What I did for them

The decision was made to migrate to Drupal 10 using Local Gov Drupal instances. From my end, I incorporated the design into a child theme of Local Gov Drupal with a focus on accessibility.

In addition to the primary components of the project, a few custom modules were developed to support the new design. These included a few paragraph types that were specifically tailored to align with the new design's aesthetic and functional requirements, as well as a custom module designed to ensure compliance with GDPR regulations.

The design itself was meticulously crafted to be a perfect fit for the LocalGovDrupal platform. This careful and deliberate alignment significantly streamlined the implementation process, making it not only more straightforward but also less time-consuming than it otherwise might have been. The entire implementation process took approximately 10 days, a relatively short time considering the complexity of the project.

Following the successful implementation of the design, a further 15 days were allocated to prepare everything for continent migration. This included ensuring that all data and systems were securely backed up, and that all necessary adjustments were made to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. This comprehensive and careful approach ensured that the project was completed on schedule, without compromising on quality or detail.



The results are self-evident. Despite budgetary constraints, the Oxfordshire Schools platform underwent a significant transformation. With an updated design and improved functionality, the portal now showcases the influence of innovation in education.

In conclusion, our experience with Oxfordshire Schools demonstrates the power of collaboration, creativity, and commitment in effecting positive change. As the team continues to develop and enhance services, they remain dedicated to supporting the educational pursuits of communities in Oxfordshire and beyond.