Hey, I amArtiom Sobolev

I specialize in UX/UI design and psychology. I research, apply, innovate, collaborate, and embrace new ideas.

A bit about me

It's often considered typical to keep quiet about oneself; they say, "silence is golden." But I reckon there's a basic fear behind this saying. The fear that prevents people from being candid with each other, the fear that drives people to wear social masks, which makes building relationships challenging.

I was born on the 22nd of November 1984 in Tallinn, Estonia. I grew up in a complete family, with a younger brother, mum, and dad. From the age of 15, I started taking an interest in computer graphics. Around the same time, I began gradually studying psychology. Additionally, I was generally a curious person and explored the world in various ways. These interests stayed with me, ultimately evolving into the two main directions of my professional career: web development and psychology.

Web development

During the first decade of my career in web development, my main focus was on creating websites for business and marketing purposes.

However, over the past ten years, my professional focus has shifted entirely towards developing projects for the government, particularly for local administration. My efforts are directed towards developing projects aimed at ensuring quality service to citizens in the field of local governance. I emphasize which projects are truly necessary for the effective functioning of government structures.

One of the key aspects of my work has been the creation of projects where the primary focus is on ensuring accessibility and adaptability. My goal is to make the services and tools being developed as user-friendly as possible for various user groups, ensuring wide access to information and services. The principle of accessibility and adaptability has become an important component to ensure that government projects serve the interests of all citizens, regardless of their individual needs and capabilities.

I work with people I like, on projects I like.

Agile collective logo Cherwell District Council logo Climate Action Oxfordshire logo GOSS logo GOV.UK Localgov drupal logo National grid logo NHS logo Oxfordshire County Council logo Music Hub Oxfordshire logo TVERC logo Virtualnet logo

Primarily, my specialization lays in frontend development. In the past, I heavily utilised ASP.NET and Wordpress as the main platforms for project implementation. However, lately, my primary platform has been Drupal. Additionally, I develop live style systems, incorporating HTML, CSS, and JS frameworks. These frameworks are used by web developers for swiftly creating responsive designs for websites and web applications.

The main objective of these frameworks is to ensure a consistent style across various programmes and websites under a single company brand. Therefore, I dedicate efforts to developing tools that facilitate the effective maintenance of the company's style across different platforms and web applications.

My recent projects


I entered the world of psychology through self-improvement. I've faced psychological challenges for most of my life, which motivated me to study myself and my psychology, allowing me to understand many issues. I continue to develop in this direction and refine myself, but since I have accumulated a certain amount of experience, I willingly share it with those who find it necessary and interesting.

My journey into psychology probably began around the 9th grade, when I felt I couldn't connect with people, most didn't understand me, and a friend suggested I read Dale Carnegie's book - "How to Win Friends and Influence People." Honestly, the read was so-so, but I immediately grasped how psychology could help with the problems I was facing. Later on, I experimented with various methods, delving into NLP, lucid dreaming, esoterics, attempting to influence my brain through binaural beats, meditation, autotraining, and anything else that came my way, until I reached hypnosis. Not much seemed to help; I didn't know how to apply it correctly in practice. Eventually, I discovered cognitive behavioural psychology and various specific practices by psychologists that began to work for me.

I experienced significant growth in my psychological development when I came across Psilogic by Igor Nepovinnykh. Igor has a deep understanding of how the human psyche works and can convey his knowledge in simple language, which is currently the foundation I rely on.

What I managed to figure out so far



Persistent anxiety had been my default state since childhood, to which I had become so accustomed that I didn't even notice it; it was normal for me.



Self-esteem is the foundation by which a person defines themselves, how others perceive them, and how the world at large relates to them.

Solar eclipse

Losing the meaning of life

At some point, it got so bad that I thought it was the end, and the only way out of it was the end of life, the lack of meaning in life, which began to lead to thoughts of suicide.

Flip forward


Guilt is a state that actually accompanies my anxious state, which was associated with the feeling that I was constantly doing something wrong, and that others didn't like it either.


Intrusive thoughts

Intrusive thoughts always accompany the anxious state. I've always found myself in a state where I couldn't get rid of the thoughts, and it seemed to me that I had no control over them; they led me, and I didn't manage the process.


Panic attacks

Panic attacks were a serious issue for me, and probably like many others who first encountered them, I didn't know what was happening to me and didn't understand how to survive.

In turn, from what I've achieved, I pass on the theoretical and practical basis of psychology to those who might find it useful and interesting, through my project MindWilds. So if you're interested in this topic, feel free to drop by.